Individualized Services
Your First Visit
to the rest of your life
~ Trauma-Informed and Inclusive to Support All ~
For individual clients, services include but are not limited to:
> Professional Consulting Session < This is for you if any of these describe you
you are a current or aspiring mindfulness/meditation teacher;
you are in healthcare, mental health, grief counseling, end-of-life doula or other professions, and inquiring about mindfulness for you or in your practice
you are a leader and want to integrate mindfulness and emotional intelligence into your work strategy
> Transitions Coaching < This is for you if you are navigating change, loss, micro and macro transitions, traumatic events and crises.
> Mindful life coaching <: You define the exact path and what to focus on.
> Private one time session for yourself < Typical areas that we cover include:
tuning your meditation practice (anyone)
touch base/check in (established clients)
grief guidance
Step 1: Tell a bit about your interest:
Before you proceed to schedule time, make sure you have completed the form in Step 1. Your appointment will not be confirmed until Step 1 is completed.
Step 2: Scheduling a time:
You will be sent a confirmation, once your form is reviewed. You can SCHEDULE the meeting now by visiting one of the links below for the type of meeting that fits your needs:
> Professional Consulting Session <
> Private one time session for yourself <