What we do
TunedMinds is a consulting, training and coaching company for individuals, organizations and leaders.
Founded by Yasemin Isler, it brings in a research and science focused approach, academic and public studies of mindfulness, emotional intelligence, compassion and other elements, and decades of personal practice and professional experience, to meet your needs to foster resilience, creativity, personal growth, efficiency, bringing meaning and purpose, and skillfully managing stressors, and more.
Since 2014, offering mindfulness based services for members of the local and global community.
TunedMinds name comes from tuning our minds, as much as tuning our heart and our bodies to be in synch with the moment, to tune in to ourselves for the purpose of being as fully aware as possible, so that we can discern the right action and approach in the moment.
Ready-to-Go or Bespoke Solutions that Meet Your Needs, Goals and Priorities.
Our Mission
When we start with the premise of curiosity and openness, we know that more options are possible. When we continue with our habitual ways, in the midst of a stressful, scary or simply challenging event, our minds constrict and we move into old habits and patterns that may not serve us or others we interact with. When we begin to understand how our minds and bodies are responding and adjusting throughout the day to common stressors, and we bring in mindful awareness and kind, patient presence, we begin to respond to situations in ways that are relevant, supportive and full of wise potential.
The essence of our mission is guiding you to your full potential.
Pillars of how we reach our mission
Mindful awareness:
Being present to what is, in the moment, without judgment, with balance and equanimity, curiosity and openness.
Kind awareness and compassionate action for the self and others.
Holding space for each other with kind awareness, selflessness, in the spirit of moving towards alleviating challenges and pain that each of us can experience at any time, bonded in our common humanity. We tap into our inner wisdom, mind-heart-body training, personal beliefs, support systems, “TunedMinds and TunedHearts”.
Servicing and Serving
Working - Parenting - Caregiving - Teaching - Learning - Grieving - Illness - Life Transitions
Education - Healthcare - Government - Corporate - Non Profit
What We’ve Achieved
Effective focused attention at work
Stress response and managing challenging times
Wise leadership
Research based and science backed
Training for individuals
Consulting and training for companies across New England, US and globally
Serving healthcare, education, and organizations across multiple industries
Supporting grieving communities and individuals
You can make better decisions when you understand the nature and pattern of your thoughts!
Dive into the ultimate beginner’s deep dive and tangible steps to start working with your thinking mind
Learn to respond more mindfully to whatever comes up your way,
Bonus: Prioritize and do deep work staying focused.
Tuned Hearts
TunedMinds is a consulting and training service company founded by Yasemin Isler, supporting individual clients and organizations. Emphasis is on the wholeness of the client, along with cultivating awareness, presence and resilience. Programs include structured curricula and custom solutions, tuned to your needs, to cultivate the optimal well being of the individual or the organization.
“TunedMinds and my approach are people centric, focused on individual and organizational resilience, synergy, efficiency and overall transformative well being. “
Yasemin Isler, Founder and Principal