Short Course
Towards easing burnout and stress. Learn to develop your capacities.
We are experiencing uncertainty, wear and tear in emotional systems and burnout, as we move into the third year of the pandemic. They manifest as discomfort, even ailments in our bodies. Remember that you are doing the best that you can. You have already found ways to deal with what’s in front of you to the best of your abilities. The hope is that that they are supporting you. Are they enough?
Upcoming Classes
SUMMER 2023: Thursdays June 1 - July 6, 2023 5-6:30PM EST
FALL 2023: Mondays Sep 25 - Oct 30, 2023 12 - 1:30pm EST
When you purchase before September 1st, you will also receive a complimentary attendance in An Afternoon of Mindfulness, a 3-hour live online gathering.
Course Overview
Short Course on Mindful Self-Compassion
Self-Care, Motivation & Resilience
Attending this brief course, as a fellow participant, you will learn to
* Develop the capacity to contend with challenges and difficulties through awareness of self-kindness, common humanity and mindfulness
* Understand the basic theoretical underpinnings and research findings related to self-compassion
* Understand the heart of caregiver burnout and what to do about it to sustain loving caregiving while being present for self
* Develop and apply self-compassion practices to motivate themselves with encouragement rather than self-criticism
* Apply core self-compassion practices into daily life
Time Commitment:
You will be attending 6 weekly sessions, 1.5Hr each.
Included in the course
Theory, science and practice of applying mindful self-compassion to personal needs
Light lectures, guided reflections and practices, small group discussions
Light assignments suggested in between classes.
None. All are welcome.
Upcoming Courses
6-week course
There may never be a good time. You will benefit in the long-run (and short term) by giving yourself the permission to make the time for these 6-weeks. Remember that it’s for your future and well-being. Remember that it may be time to change things a bit.
Dates: June 1 - July 6, 2023. Thursdays
Times: 5 -6:30pm EST USA | 2 - 3:30pm PDT USA | 9 -10:30pm GMT
FALL 2023
Dates: Sep 25 - Oct 30, 2023. Mondays
Times: 12 - 1:30pm EST
Course Fee: $275
Thank you for paying according to your means.
From past participants:
“The most striking effect of this course on me was realizing that I was offering my patients the love and compassion that I did not offer myself. It made me realize that self-compassion is about recognising your own needs, and that giving them to yourself is not selfish.”
“I've been given a new door. I realized I wasn't my feelings, they were "feelings felt." I realized that this had a positive effect on my relationship with myself, as well as on my relationships in my professional life.”
“Being aware of emotions, accepting them, approaching yourself with compassion can be healing and liberating. I didn't know how to do approach this. You kept me on track.”
We will meet via Zoom. Video cameras are required to be on to create sense of community.
Reliable Internet.
Audio and video connection. Desktop or laptop. Cell phones are not recommended.
Zoom application loaded on your device.
Your intention and attention to yourself and others in the course.
If your current schedule does not allow a fully immersed 8-week, 2.5Hr per session course, this program is for you. You will be introduced to the essential elements of Mindful Self-Compassion.
If you have already taken the MSC (Mindful Self-Compassion) course and are looking for a boost or refresh, this course is also appropriate.
Self Compassion for Health Care
Self-Compassion Training for Healthcare Communities (SCHC) is a 6-hr evidence-based healthcare adaptation of Mindful Self-Compassion, the empirically supported program of Dr. Kristin Neff at UT Austin and Dr. Chris Germer at Harvard Medical School. This training aims to improve wellbeing and personal resilience in healthcare professionals by teaching mindful self-compassion skills to deal with distressing emotional situations as they occur at work and at home.
Offered to your Health Care team, at a time convenient for you.
6 weekly classes. Each session is 1-Hour long.
Next Course: 6-weeks. 90 min/session.
Dates: June 1 - July 6, 2023. Thursdays
Times: 5 -6:30pm EST USA
Short Course on Mindful Self-Compassion (SC-MSC)
Short Course in Mindful Self-Compassion (SC-MSC) is a 6-week program that is an adaption of the full MSC program. Each session is 75 minutes long.
This is the official SC-MSC curriculum.
Evidence based, experiential, with didactic portions and exploring in a small group. There will be light assignments in between classes.
Regular Program fee: $275
Live Online. Zoom Virtual Platform.
Requirements: Video, audio and reliable Internet connection.
Step 1) Registration
Step 2) Payment:
Regular fee: $275 USD
Upon completing Steps 1 & 2, you will receive further instructions for course information, including Zoom room specifics.